২১/১২/২০২৪ তারিখের এমএড পরীক্ষা ২০২৩ (২৩২) টার্ম স্থগিত বিজ্ঞপ্তি       ||    Result Published of Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Examination-2022, 1st & 2nd Semester Term 221 (New & Old)       ||    বাউবির বিবিএ প্রোগ্রামের ফলাফল প্রকাশ       ||    Result Sheet of B.MEd Program 231 Term       ||    
  • Dr. Samena Akter Kakuli
    Physiotherapy, SST

Profile of Dr. Samena Akter Kakuli

Samena Akter Kakuli is a disability management and rehabilitation expert with a strong background in Physiotherapy. She has wide range of clinical experience in adult and child neurological physiotherapy area. She passed Bachelor of Science (Hon’s) in Physiotherapy from Bangladesh Health Professions Institute (BHPI), the academic institute of Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP) under Faculty of Medicine, University of Dhaka in 2006 and completed one-year internship in 2007. She completed Master of Science in Rehabilitation Science in 2016, an Inter-professional SAARC development funded program conducted in the BHPI, CRP under Faculty of Medicine, University of Dhaka. Before joining to BOU, she served CRP’s adult and child neurological Physiotherapy unit from 2008-2019 and her last designation was junior consultant of Physiotherapy in CRP, Savar. 

Kakuli joined Bangladesh Open University (BOU) in August 11, 2021 as a Lecturer of Physiotherapy. She is conducting tutorial classes in different courses and supervising thesis of MDMR and MPH program learners. He has published 16 scholarly articles in the field of physiotherapy, disability and rehabilitation in national and international journals from 2011-2023. 

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