২১/১২/২০২৪ তারিখের এমএড পরীক্ষা ২০২৩ (২৩২) টার্ম স্থগিত বিজ্ঞপ্তি       ||    Result Published of Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Examination-2022, 1st & 2nd Semester Term 221 (New & Old)       ||    বাউবির বিবিএ প্রোগ্রামের ফলাফল প্রকাশ       ||    Result Sheet of B.MEd Program 231 Term       ||    
  • Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mamunur Rashid
    Computer Science, SST

Profile of Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mamunur Rashid

Dr. Mohammad Mamunur Rashid is currently working as a Professor at the School of Science and Technology of Bangladesh Open University, Gazipur-1705, Bangladesh from 24 September 2023 to date. Prior to that he joined at Bangladesh Open University as a Lecturer back in 2010 and later worked successfully as an Assistant Professor and Associate Professor. Besides, before joining as a lecturer, in 2004 he joined as an Assistant Programmer at the same institute. Moreover, he is presently the Additional Director (Additional Charge) at Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Bangladesh Open University.

Dr. Mohammad Mamunur Rashid completed his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Computer Science from the University of Madras, India in 2001 and 2003 respectively, and achieved the PhD degree from Bangladesh University of Professionals, Bangladesh, in 2023. He achieved University Grants Commission (UGC) PhD Research Fellowship (2018). In addition, he is Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP -Reg.No. -5157768). 

Dr. Mohammad Mamunur Rashid is a multidisciplinary researcher. His research interests’ keywords include Technology in healthcare, Technology Adoption/Diffusion, Digital Transformation, Educational Technology, e-learning and ODL, Structural Equation Modeling, Machine Learning, Data Science and Analytics. He has authored more than 15 papers in different peer-reviewed journals and conferences. Also, he is the author of several Text book chapters of the Bangladesh Open University. Dr. Rashid has also been serving as Member of Academic Council, Curriculum Committee, Admission Test and Examinations Committee, and Editorial Board Member and Reviewer in numerous reputed International and National journals and conferences. He participated several Conferences, Workshop, Seminar, Professional training at home and abroad. Being an academic, he is actively involved in teaching, research, accreditation, and development works of the department.

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