২১/১২/২০২৪ তারিখের এমএড পরীক্ষা ২০২৩ (২৩২) টার্ম স্থগিত বিজ্ঞপ্তি       ||    Result Published of Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Examination-2022, 1st & 2nd Semester Term 221 (New & Old)       ||    বাউবির বিবিএ প্রোগ্রামের ফলাফল প্রকাশ       ||    Result Sheet of B.MEd Program 231 Term       ||    

School of Education (SOE)

Historial Outline

School of Education (SoE) is one of the six schools that represent Bangladesh Open University (BOU). Since the establishment of the university in 1992, SoE has been effectively running its academic programs. The primary responsibility of the SoE is to develop and nurture the educational thinking and teaching abilities of the teachers in order to provide efficient teacher educators and professionals at all levels of education.

In line with its vision to be a leader in the advancement of knowledge and professional practice in education as a fundamental endeavor through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode in Bangladesh, the School of Education offers a wide variety of programs i.e., Bachelor of Education (BEd), Bachelor of Madrasa Education (BMEd), Master of Education (MEd), Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).


The Vision of the School of Education: The School of Education's vision is to be a pioneer in the growth of knowledge and professional practice in education as a fundamental human endeavor in Bangladesh through open and distance learning (ODL) mode.


The Mission of the School of Education:

To achieve excellence in Education-related research and scholarship.
To Develop professionals for leadership and service roles in education and related fields.
To constructively inform educational policymakers and evaluate Bangladesh's educational policies.
To Contribute to curriculum development in general and teacher education.
To Assist society in identifying its educational duties and addressing its educational issues.

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